First Presbyterian Church of Smithtown is engaged in a wide variety of mission outreach programs. Abiding under Christ's commandment to love our neighbor, we are active in supporting people in need wherever they may be: in our local community here on Long Island's North Shore, throughout the nation, and even in sites around the world. Talk to us about our work, and to take part in our ministries. Please call and learn more!
- FPCS Prayer Shawl Ministry
- Adopt-An-Angel Program for Christmas
- El Salvador Educational Outreach
- Protestant Campus Ministries
- Youth Ministry - Triennium scholarships for youth and attendance at the PC(USA) Youth Triennium in Indiana
- Bread for the World - Inter-church outreach for international famine relief
- Smithtown Emergency Food Pantry - inter-church community outreach for local hunger relief
- The Charlotte Cheatham Hunger Relief Fund
- Presbytery of Long Island
- PC(USA) - Membership connection to Presbyterian relief efforts, including Presbyterian Disaster Assistance
- The Presbyterian Women's "sisterhood circles" of First Presbyterian Church Smithtown: providing care, kindness, and compassion to neighbors, friends, and members of the congregation